Bond ensures the long term sustainability of USTX token, strenghtening the floor value at launch price ( 0.01 USDT ).

Any user willing to sell USTX at fixed price of 0.01 USDT (-5% fee) can emit a new bond, by selecting the desired USTX amount and clicking “Emit”. A popup will require confirmation before proceeding. Sign 2 TXs on Tronlink: first the approval for USTX spending and then the actual creation of the bond. The position is visibile in the user section in the lower part of the window.

Any user willing to buy USTX at 0.01 USDT can redeem an existing bond (if available), by selecting the desired USTX amount and clicking on “REDEEM” or “REDEEM & BURN”. A popup will requre confirmation. Sign 2 TXs on Tronlink: first the approval for USDT spending and then the actual operation. The bond emitter will receive USDT (-5% fees) and the user will receive the USTX claimed.
WARNING: if you select “REDEEM & BURN” you’ll get nothing, because the USTX will go the blackhole address

It’s possible to recall an already emitted bond before it's redeemed by clicking on the "WITHDRAW" button.

Please check data and confirm operation