It’s an app that allows the users to stake USDD and get double digit APR with low risk and easy access with a simple user experience. All the complexity to implement the strategy is handled by the smart contract, so the user benefits from a comfortable interface.

The WARP app will distribute weekly rewards to users. To incentive WARP users to also buy and stake USTX tokens, they will benefit from a multiplying factor over the base APR, called Warp Factor. The user warp factor is determined by the amount of USTX the users holds in one of the locked staking options (V.1 and V.2) that USTX offers. Maximum warp is obtained when 20 USTX are staked for every USDD deposited. The Max Warp factor will be 5, meaning that the warp APR will be up to 50% higher than the normal APR.

  • In order to benefit Warp factor 5, if the user wants to invest 100 USDD must also have 2,000 USTX staked in one of the locked options USTX offers on this dedicated page.
  • If no USTX are held by the user, USDD yield is still possible, but with lower APR.

Warp specs:

  • Interface: web app accessible via browser (pc, mac, mobile)
  • Wallet: Tronlink, Math and Klever
  • Deposit token: USDD (TRC20)
  • Rewards token: USDD (TRC20)
  • Deposit lock: 1 full epoch (epochs duration is 1 week, changes every Saturday)
  • Rewards lock: till next epoch transition (unlock on Saturday after the request)
  • Rewards compounding: yes, manual compounding available
  • Max Warp factor: 5.0 (+50%) if user has at least 20 USTX in locked staking every USDD deposited
  • Fees: app requires energy to operate (or, if not enough, TRX) to operate
  • Custody: the deposits are fully managed within the contract, they will NOT be moved to team wallets. The smart contract handles all the interactions with JustLend, SunSwap, and all other contracts required to manage the strategy
  • APR: Warp yield will vary over time and will depend on and JustLend conditions.
  • Anti-whale: There is a limit on how much a single user can deposit. Currently the limit is - USDD

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